Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Originally uploaded by gom6699

How beautiful are these!!!
Since I can't do any work at the moment myself I thought I just post some beautiful canes I have been admiring. Can't wait to get stuck in and try some more clay designs. Just have to get my move to Florida over with and settle in. Still a million and one things to do until Sunday - the big day.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Red Mosaic Necklace

I have definately caught the clay bug. Shame I have to stop for a while as I am moving a week on Sunday and am just rushed off my feet. But before I go cold turkey and stop any kind of jewelry making for a few weeks I wanted to show a little something I made last night. The large trapezoid necklace beads were made with kaleidoscope canes made by me yay.gif and then strung with red delicas and garnet beads.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Some updated pics of my ophelia necklace now available at artfire

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Thursday, 2 July 2009

Ophelia - Finally Finished

Just finished my Ophelia collar. All in all it has taken me 32 hours from the first rough sketch to the finished necklace. The fringe really put me through my paces. Will post better picture in a couple of days.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

First Go at PC

Just had my first go at polymer clay. I knew it wouldn't take long until I give it a go. It is so different from my usual work and still need to practice a lot more but really enjoyed it. Needless to say have not done anything to the Ophelia collar. Hopefully I can get it finished this weekend.

The large bracelet was inspired by a tutorial by Donna Kato. I love her work.

The oval beads for this bracelet were made with scrap bits of clay and a bead roller. My 10 year old daughter helped with these and really enjoyed it. Her best friend wears the bracelet now.

Just had enough clay to make two pendants. I used a texture sheet with writing and used some left over slices from the canes for the large bracelet. Hopefully with a bit of practice I'll get better.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Ophelia - The End Is In Sight

After tonight's 4.5 hours of beadingI am getting there. Just need to finish the fringe which is proving rather tough. Getting the spacing right takes forever. Then the clasp and reworking the side without chain. Should take about another 3 to 4 hours I hope.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Today's Progress

I had a day off yesterday but managed to do a "little" more today. Took me about 7 hours so I am having a rest now.


Originally uploaded by mwdonnelly

They just look good enough to eat.


Originally uploaded by mwdonnelly

But are they? .....

Polymer Clay Covered Crochet Hook

What a brilliant idea. These just might get me to have another go at polymer clay. I just love canework.

Friday, 19 June 2009

This is yesterday's progress after just over 4 hours of work. Now comes the hard part - making sure the second side panel looks the same. I will have to re-work the connection between the side panel and the centre stone. The angle looks wrong but I'll have to see what it looks like when the other panel is done. That's what you get when you bead until the early morning hours.

fairy love

fairy love, originally uploaded by LittleOrangetree.

I stumbled across this and just fell in love with it. The colours are just gorgeous. Really girly and fairy like.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Ophelia 8 hours and counting

I have started on the first side panel. Still need to fill in the gaps. Can't wait to back both pieces to see what they look like when put together properly.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Ophelia after 4 hours

The center piece is pretty much done. Just needs to be backed and the fringe added. Not much to look at yet after 4 hours of beading. Will be starting on the side panels now.

Ophelia - A Bead Embroidery Collar in the Making

So far I have spent about 2.5 to 3 hours planning the collar, sourcing the right beads. Knowing me the design will probably change about have a dozen times buy the time I am finished.

This time I am going for a dark look - lots of black, natural abalone, seed beads, firepolished beads and crystals.

All the beads I have ordered apart from the drops for the fringe have arrived. I can finally get started with my next collar. Can't wait to see what it looks like when I am done.